Saturday, July 30, 2011

Never, for one moment....

....did  I imagine, when I wrote of the bull shit showered upon Vancouverites prior and during the last Winter Games, that the same sort of wickedness would be dealt to Aucklanders by the Rugby World Cup Gestapo and SS Grupenfuhrer Murray McCully.

Item - Stopwork for contractors.
Construction work will halt for two months in main areas of Auckland as the city welcomes visitors to the Rugby World Cup and tries to keep traffic flowing.

Contractors say the move is driving them into the ground, and a workers' union says it is a poor way to keep up appearances - akin to removing the homeless from city streets "for a stupid game of rugby".

Item - Nicking a school carpark for the exclusive use of RWC sponsors - Emirates Airlines
The proposal has been expanded before the special authority to allow car parking on Kowhai Intermediate School's grounds even on non-match days.

The school will be paid for the arrangement, and will close during the opening match day on September 9.

As a pre-election political stunt I do not know what is the more nauseating. Inviting oneself to parley with an American President, wrapping oneself in the national flag, or high-jacking the national sport. 

The French had 350,000 visitors to their Rugby World Cup and just managed to break even. We must provide similar sports facilities and infrastructure on a budget limited by a quarter of that number.

This is a recipe for financial disaster, exacerbated by such idiocy as closing down construction work. Doubtless, however, the figures will be fiddled and fudged and its true enormity  concealed until well beyond the election.


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