Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Repeal the Marine & Coastal Area (Takatai Moana) Act 2011

I posted this today on the CREW.ORG.NZ  forum http://crew.org.nz/forum/index.php
Some of you may not be aware that a petition is being put together by the Coastal Coalition
http://www.nzcpr.com/CoastalCoalition.htm  to demand a referendum on the issue. I think that, so blatent and cynical was this National Government power play, there is a good chance of initiating a repeal process.

I know that there will be varying views on the subject but, if you feel (as I do) that shoving the bill through the Parliament in the face of a clearly opposed majority was a heinous disregard of democratic process, then NOW is the time to act.

You can download a petition form here:


There is an explanatory letter here.


Disclosure: The writer is NOT a member of any political party, dislikes a majority of politicians ( but wont reveal those he likes because they don't need encouragement) and always votes for the party which will provide the strongest parliamentary opposition.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I've got an idea - why not a bullet behind the ear?

If the St John Ambulance sponsor-advertising-removal-caper had your personal Rugby World Cup/disgust meter showing hot, then here's an outrage to send it to Red Alert.

Palmerston North Council's plan to remove beggars from their streets during the RWC is yet another measure straight out of the arsenal of the Vancouver Winter Games.  http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/5363553/Homeless-sweep-up-planned-before-cup

Winter-time in North America sees a migration of homeless people from frozen mid-western, central, and eastern cities to milder Pacific seaboard cities such as Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, and Santa Monica.

The Vancouver plan was to bus the city's thousands of homeless to specially constructed shelters (that is, warehouses) beyond city limits. Great was the public outcry at this callous strategem and, indeed, it was quickly judged to be a violation of  human rights. A compromise was reached whereby Police were to pick up the vagrants and escort them to inspect the new premises, to taste the healthy food,  and sample the warm lodgings provided. But if their customers so chose, they were to be allowed back into the city where, as  even Blind Freddie could see,  the poor buggers would incur a great deal of constabulary harassment.

I never learned how successful this not-quite-final solution turned out to be.

What  is clear is that the likes of  the IOC, FIFA, and RWC committees will have been encouraged to continue to keep up such draconian pressure on host-city officials. Yes, some token shopkeepers have been persuaded to `front` the demands for beggars removal, but the underlying pressure comes from the gestapo. 

How will London handle these issues?  Perfidious and class ridden they may be, but the Brits have a tradition of even-handedness when it comes to the rights and happiness of their less privileged citizens. - we'll see.

Never, for one moment....

....did  I imagine, when I wrote of the bull shit showered upon Vancouverites prior and during the last Winter Games, that the same sort of wickedness would be dealt to Aucklanders by the Rugby World Cup Gestapo and SS Grupenfuhrer Murray McCully.

Item - Stopwork for contractors.
Construction work will halt for two months in main areas of Auckland as the city welcomes visitors to the Rugby World Cup and tries to keep traffic flowing.

Contractors say the move is driving them into the ground, and a workers' union says it is a poor way to keep up appearances - akin to removing the homeless from city streets "for a stupid game of rugby".  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10741790

Item - Nicking a school carpark for the exclusive use of RWC sponsors - Emirates Airlines
The proposal has been expanded before the special authority to allow car parking on Kowhai Intermediate School's grounds even on non-match days.

The school will be paid for the arrangement, and will close during the opening match day on September 9. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10740616

As a pre-election political stunt I do not know what is the more nauseating. Inviting oneself to parley with an American President, wrapping oneself in the national flag, or high-jacking the national sport. 

The French had 350,000 visitors to their Rugby World Cup and just managed to break even. We must provide similar sports facilities and infrastructure on a budget limited by a quarter of that number.

This is a recipe for financial disaster, exacerbated by such idiocy as closing down construction work. Doubtless, however, the figures will be fiddled and fudged and its true enormity  concealed until well beyond the election.
